If you were to actually measure the contrast between the two, you’d find it is much lower than black text on a white background (or white on black) on your display device of choice. Go to Preferences → Key Bindings - Default to explore all default shortcuts and read instructions for packages you installed to find out about their custom key bindings. The shaded paper contrasts with the crisp text nicely. close tag Find / Replace Shortcut Description Ctrl+ F find Ctrl+ I incremental find Ctrl+ H replace F3 find next occurrence of searched word Ctrl+ F3 find next occurrence of current word Alt+ F3 select all occurrences of current word for multiple editing Ctrl+ Shift+ F find in files Navigation Shortcut Description Ctrl+ 0 focus on sidebar Esc focus back to edit area when focus on sidebar Splits / Tabs Shortcut Description Alt+ Shift+ 1 single column Alt+ Shift+ 2 two columns Alt+ Shift+ 5 grid (4 groups) Ctrl+ focus group Ctrl+ Shift+ move file to group Alt+ select tab Bookmarks Shortcut Description Ctrl+ F2 toggle bookmark F2 next bookmark Shift+ F2 previous bookmark Ctrl+ Shift+ F2 clear bookmarks Marks Shortcut Description Ctrl+ K Space set mark Ctrl+ K W delete from cursor to mark Ctrl+ K A select from cursor to mark Ctrl+ K G clear mark More
#Sublime text windows 10 blue border code
Although VS Code comes with a Quiet Light theme, this version is as good as it gets since has been developed by. Quiet Light is an official port of the Quiet Light theme, built first for the Espresso text editor on Mac. Sublime Text 3 – Useful Shortcuts (Windows) General Shortcut Description Ctrl+ Shift+ P command prompt Ctrl+ Alt+ P switch project Ctrl+ P go to file Ctrl+ G go to line Ctrl+ R go to methods Ctrl+ Shift+ R go to methods in project Ctrl+ K B toggle side bar Ctrl+ ` toggle console Ctrl+ Shift+ N new window Editing Shortcut Description Ctrl+ L select line (repeat select next lines) Ctrl+ D select word (repeat select others occurrences in context for multiple editing) Ctrl+ Alt+ Up / Ctrl+ Alt+ Down select column for multiple editing Ctrl+ Shift+ M select content into brackets Ctrl+ Shift+ Enter insert line before Ctrl+ Enter inter line after Ctrl+ Shift+ K delete line Ctrl+ K K delete from cursor to end of line Ctrl+ K Backspace delete from cursor to start of line Ctrl+ Shift+ D duplicate line(s) Ctrl+ J join lines Ctrl+ K U upper case Ctrl+ K L lower case Ctrl+ / comment line Ctrl+ Shift+ / block comment Ctrl+ Y redo or repeat Ctrl+ C copy Ctrl+ V paste Ctrl+ Shift+ V paste and ident Ctrl+ Space autocomplete (repeat to select next suggestion) Ctrl+ M jump to matching brackets Ctrl+ U soft undo (movement undo) Ctrl+ Shift+ U soft redo (movement redo) Code navigation Shortcut Description F12 go to definition Alt+ - jump back Alt+ Shift+ - jump forward XML / HTML Shortcut Description Ctrl+ Shift+ A select content into tag Alt+. It is also available for other popular code editors such as Sublime Text and Atom.
#Sublime text windows 10 blue border 64 Bit